DHT & DHC Exams
Below is important information on recommended documents you should understand when preparing for the DHT and DHC exams. STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE PASSED THE DHT EXAM BEFORE TAKING THE DHC EXAM.
DHT Exam
In addition to the list of suggested courses for the DHT exam, AHC207 – Advanced Detailing Hardware is also suggested prior to the DHC exam but again it is not a prerequisite.
We recommend students taking the DHC brush up on keying by reading Keying Systems and Nomenclature.
The following material will be permitted for use while testing for the DHC, students must bring these with them to the exam:
- NFPA 80 Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives (2013 Edition)
- NFPA 101 Life Safety Code (2012 Edition)
- Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities/ICC A117.1 (2009)
DHC Exam
The computerized DHT credentialing exam will be administered on Day 3 of the DHT120 course. Students who complete the course and pass the DHT exam will receive the Door + Hardware Technician Credential.