EHC490: EHC Exam Prep
16 Hours | 16 CEPs
This course is designed to take you through the exercises required to complete the Electrified Hardware Consultant (EHC) certification exam under exam-like conditions. You will leave this class with a firm understanding of how to prepare for the EHC exam. You will be required to:
- Complete shop drawing exercises
- Complete written exam questions that cover topics such as access control systems, video surveillance terminology, principles of low voltage electricity, and specification writing
REQUIRED CLASS MATERIALS: NFPA80, Standards for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives (2013 edition); NFPA101, Life Safety Code (2012 edition); ICC/ANSI A117.1, Accessible and Usable Building and Facilities (2009 edition); Catalogs or electronic files for electrified hardware (e.g. power supplies, card readers, key pads, motion detectors, power transfer devices)