Library of Industry News Newsletters
Welcome to the inaugural issue of DHI Canada’s quarterly newsletter, Canadian Industry News. We’ll be publishing articles on trends in non-residential construction, the construction labour force, and the economy, plus happenings at DHI Canada and general events of interest to our community. This newsletter is a work in progress, so we welcome your feedback (and, of course, any news you have for us) – just email our editor.
We hope you enjoy this issue, and we’d appreciate any feedback you have.
Steve Peterman, FDHI, DHT
Chair, Advocacy Committee & Newsletter Editor-in-chief
Please Enjoy Inaugural Issue!
Volume 1 Issue 1 - Published: April 8, 2024
Do you have some news for us?
If you have something you’d like us to consider for publication on our website and in our quarterly newsletter, please submit it online or email it to us.